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  1. Cane since 1060

    ESPN Article About FSU and UF Sucking...but of course had to take a shot at UM.

    Boy are you misinformed or just not very smart. She was interviewed on a local media outlet very extensively. She was very excited like we all were FOR THE SECOND TIME !
  2. Cane since 1060

    ESPN Article About FSU and UF Sucking...but of course had to take a shot at UM.

    Oh gosh Why dont you tell us all what a real Cane is....seems most of you get that completely wrong. Lol
  3. Cane since 1060

    ESPN Article About FSU and UF Sucking...but of course had to take a shot at UM.

    This is a case of a woman who graduated UM which Im sure most of you did not. Probably most of you dont know this by your silly comments about her but she went to her hotel room to be alone so she could focus on her Canes. She loves Miami and Im sure she was upset by what we are all upset...