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  1. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    This is nothing like Folden, and the only people who thought the fans couldn’t get Folden fired were retards.
  2. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    This is how guys like Thomas wind up frustrated and then they lash out and get suspended. Then factions start forming and the HC starts losing the team. It could get ugly if Rick doesn’t at least try to fix this abominable QB situation. He can’t keep talking about Rosier excelling at practice...
  3. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    That’s the scuttlebutt from UGA. I just don’t see this dude making big changes, and Fake James ain’t got the sack to tell him anything. We’re stuck with this dude, so all we can really do is hope he stumbles into a transcendent QB. Although his QB recruiting at UGA got so bad that he had to...
  4. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    Sometimes, older coaches stick to what they used to do for too long. That offense worked at FSU in the 90s but so did Mickey Andrews’ defense. Eventually, Andrews defense quit working, and they had trouble stopping anyone. Happens all the time. Coaches get married to what they do, and...
  5. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    Might as well talk about benching players and tweaking schemes/philosophies because Rick ain’t getting fired. It’s a waste of time to even discuss it, and it’ll just wind up being the death knell for this forum with the same tired line-drawing in the sand. Anyone with a brain should be very...
  6. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    I hear you on the players being at fault, but as soon a I saw that long TD run I knew Knowles was on the field. Then they showed the replay, and there’s Knowles running himself out of the play and getting in other players’ way. Knowles doesn’t put himself out there. We sign a killer Safety...
  7. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    And who the fck taught sorry *** Manny everything he knows? Mickey Andrews, who was as basic as basic gets, and only succeeded in the 80s when everyone was running 2 backs 2 wide and a TE, and he had better players than everyone. And toilet licker Chuck Amato. Those are his mentors.
  8. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    That’s because Manny did his Manny thing once LSU went up by 30. He shut LSU’s “run out the clock” offense down until we closed the gap to two scores.
  9. The Franchise

    Where we go from here

    We’re pretty bad. That’s the honest assessment. It’s going to be a death struggle all year because all of our problems are still all of our problems. We can’t be the sort of team Rick wants to have. It’s pretty obvious that our system is a horrible fit for our QB, RBs and OL any time we face a...