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  1. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

    We better score 70 at least
  2. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

    Im sure Malik will play like 2 series score tds then thats it
  3. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

    Just give me anyone but Malik, Im even open to Weldon who I dont believe is the answer
  4. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

  5. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

    Thats why I go by there, when I come here I become a sunshine pumper and dont look at things straight. They are way more in touch with recruiting and way more in touch with the team, it may be things the average fan doesnt want to see. Thats why when that whole Jordan Battle news came out here...
  6. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

    I wish I can post htat IG **** on the WEZ, to me that sounds like Kosi will play next game at least. maybe im reading too much into it West End Zone
  7. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

  8. Dwinstitles

    Where we go from here

    this is whats going to happen, i hate this fuqin cycle and will not be a part of it. Im not getting fooled Im off the wagon with this staff they wont be able to do it. I refuse to get tricked, been on this ride too much and know when the ride is about to crash. I seen this before and thats it...