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  1. CashMoneyCane

    If they didn't want the chain leaked....

    Here's what is not relevant: Sebastian ever having a pipe again. You brought it up. I'm sorry you're so sensitive.
  2. CashMoneyCane

    If they didn't want the chain leaked....

    Yeah. I'm totally trying to be tough on an internet message board. Because that's super cool and we're gonna physically fight over a comment even though we probably live thousands of miles away from each other.
  3. CashMoneyCane

    If they didn't want the chain leaked....

    Or you're going to keep crying over something that's never gonna happen. Are you trying to be tough or something?
  4. CashMoneyCane

    If they didn't want the chain leaked....

    It's the NCAA, not the university. All smoking implements were banned across the NCAA at the same time.
  5. CashMoneyCane

    If they didn't want the chain leaked....

    And we need an on-campus stadium. Neither are happening. Get over it.