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  1. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    Austin Bryant, Clemson, Weak-Side Defensive End Clemson Football Roster - 2018 | TigerNet These say 265..
  2. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    Clemson’s heaviest is Ferrell at 265. What are you talking about?
  3. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    I wasn’t comparing them as football players. I like how you think a kid coming in at 260 won’t outgrow DE.
  4. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    So what you’re saying is that this kid isn’t going to be 260 coming out of high school even though he’s growing at that rate and on top of that he’s already maxed out even though he’s only played a year of football and hasn’t been on a training regiment. But I don’t know what I’m talking...
  5. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    There’s plenty of room because last year was his first year playing football and actually having a training regiment. C’mon dude, if you work out as much as you say you do you know that this kid has plenty more to go. I went from 170 to 220 in a matter of 2 years and I’ve worked out all my life...
  6. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    Timmy Smith? I’ve heard nothing...
  7. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    So you think a high junior already weighing 243 naturally probably won’t put on at minimum another 15 pounds by next year and then would have to put on 20 pounds of fat to meet target weight? Have you ever worked out before? Do you even know last year was his first year playing football so he’s...
  8. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    That’s not what I’m saying at all. I just said Arik Gilbert was a DE and he’s 247...but he’s 6’5 and Sam is 6’3 and 1/2. Could he shoot up? Absolutely but right now he looks like he’s going to be an extremely athletic DT.
  9. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    Anaele is already 243 pounds with another year to go. It doesn’t matter if everybody else thinks he’s a DE...he’s going to outgrow the position.
  10. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    Probably...We’re essentially don’t at DT for 2020 Riggins Anaele Roberts Moise Then find the DE you want...
  11. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    Elijah and Sammy are already pushing 240 plus. They’re gonna out grow DE the end of their senior seasons.
  12. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    TBH outside of Chantz Williams and Arik Gilbert there isn’t a prospect that wows me...and we’re not getting Gilbert
  13. Zbrod95

    JJ Weaver

    You hand JJ Weaver a bunch of protein shakes, egg whites, and chicken. Tell that talented SOB he’s a 3-tech now...imagine that? A 3-tech that’s played OLB, WR, DE, and TE! Has that ever happened here? Athlete wise?