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  1. rccollins

    Scrimmage #1

    it sounds like the audo channells are panned to extreme sides- left and right.. nothing in the middle? haha. does sound weird.
  2. rccollins

    Scrimmage #1

    Richt also made it clear that at times the best the 2nd team qb could do was hope not to fumble. Our first team D is gonna be scarry this year!
  3. rccollins

    Scrimmage #1

    that was funny when ( i think it was ?) susan, asking richt if Pickney had a pic.. Richt's all- What you talking about Mr. Drummond?"
  4. rccollins

    Scrimmage #1

    just means richt is taking his time with the presser.. Its kind of awesome how honest and respectful he is with the press. He is never up there bullshtting them.