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  1. C

    Jordan Battle

    In not thinking of this kid
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    Jordan Battle

    I don't doubt that he's looking i think he would've done this even without the bull**** but until they seem turned off by Meyer I'm not stressing this. Badly want him but im tempering ny excitement
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    Jordan Battle

    Until i hear the family turn on OSU or not show them as much love i won't get hyped
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    Jordan Battle

    Oklahoma is smart as **** just like UM will go to Georgia for a **** good recruit here and there OU is doing it too and its mainly for defense. Rileys got it but it isn't a pipeline
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    Jordan Battle

    I wouldn't be shocked if boosters at other schools wouldn't fund a strong group to constantly attack the school, fly banners during the game, sell shirts saying how the school doesn't care about abused women. This **** can get explosive
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    Jordan Battle

    Anybody that stupid to leave a paper trail anf then lie about it is a next level **** up. This program is a joke
  7. C

    Jordan Battle

    Yep by this time next week the decommitment train will be rolling because this is a **** storm
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    Jordan Battle

    Id pay for a banner saying this
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    Jordan Battle

    If this becomes true it's a lock Battle leaves if anything because his mom will go off
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    Jordan Battle

    Naw man i love Man Campbell i cant cheer for him to lose with the ****eyes
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    Jordan Battle

    Harley is a leader you know he's being a big brother right now. Everybody is coming at him but you know Richt has a gameplan for everybody on how to do this and then come closing time he'll seal it with the parents
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    Jordan Battle

    Bruh if he ends up with Bama....
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    Jordan Battle

    I guess we'll see quickly if we value him
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    Jordan Battle

    I honestly didnt know much about him until today but my guess would be thats because he may just love OSU but Simpson knows him very well being that they're Buford guys and the parent's most of all you would imagine wants somebody they trust which brings Simpson to the front
  15. C

    Jordan Battle

    What about Miller? His parents obviously know Simpson very well
  16. C

    Jordan Battle

    OSU has a report on their 247 about What recruits are saying for whoever has VIP
  17. C

    Jordan Battle

    😂😂😂😂 aaaaaawwwwwwww ****!
  18. C

    Jordan Battle

    Banda, Richt and Rumph need to be all over Battle. Searles, Richt and Simpson have got to be all over Miller
  19. C

    Jordan Battle

    Yeah theres no similarities smh
  20. C

    Jordan Battle

    Cowards snh i wanted him to have to face recruits moms