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  1. C

    Jordan Battle

    I don’t think he did, the guy is like family to him. He knew this dude was up to this crap a decade ago at UF. He just was being loyal , at least he thought he was.
  2. C

    Jordan Battle

    Writer on bucknuts said he doesn’t see losing Meyer affecting the season , at all. They’re loaded and have great assistants. I’m like “ not at all, not one game “? Arguably one of the best gameday coaches ever doesn’t make no difference on saturdays? Wow, over pay much?
  3. C

    Jordan Battle

    No way he gets the head gig , unless they pull off something crazy. Like 13-0 kindve season.
  4. C

    Jordan Battle

    They have their interim , it’s coach Day. Writer from bucknuts said there was no way chimp or the former Indiana coach get it either. Both have baggage. Day is considered a young up and comer.
  5. C

    Jordan Battle

    Jim Tressel lied about freaking tattoos.....tattoos. Lmao , this dude better have his *** pinned next to a deer head on somebody’s wall.