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  1. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    What a bunch of god**** bull****.
  2. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    You know, for a guy who claims he did the right thing and reported the matter; he didn't provide any proof. Not a text message, not a witness statement, not an email. He didn't even say who he told. All we got was that he admitted he lied.
  3. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Dam Son. Yeah... that is a TON of money. Even for OSU.
  4. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Well...why would he quit working at Ohio State? Yooooooyoyoyoyoyoyo
  5. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    They fired Tressel for lying about tattoos; now they are circling the wagons for a guy that has a track record for tolerating and covering up criminal behavior? Amazing what a school will do to keep winning. Well, the positive to this is we can scratch another school off that claims moral...
  6. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    When you make seven million dollars a year as a public figure, representing one of the large powerhouse programs, you better cross your T's and dot your i's. He had a standard to uphold in his duties as a employee of a major university, and failed to uphold them. Whether you think it was his...
  7. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Hes gone. As for you gentlemen comparing each others six-figure salaries; would you kindly discuss it in private? Us five figure destitute street rats don't get to have many pleasures in life like watching * **** up. :)
  8. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Nah, libel and slander don't play here. Libel and slander has a basis when there is no evidence. There is evidence here.
  9. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    With extreme prejudice. If that happened to my niece, I wouldn't bother the cops. Why call pest control over one little rat? ;)
  10. TerragonSix

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    OSU fans dont even care about the victim; just recruiting. Shades of Penn State with Paterno here. No surprise; considering the passes he gave criminal players, why not a pass to his staff too? If true, hes done. Tressel got fired for tattoos.