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  1. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    "Can one lose what one has never possessed?" - Confucius (Probably)
  2. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    The NCAA steps in eventually if it can make a case. As some one said, they tried to get involved with Penn State to only reverse **** near every sanction, it seems odd that the NCAA can come down on a school for giving out free tattoos and dinners but not sexual assault and domestic violence...
  3. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Biggest question. How much does the original cane actually make?
  4. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Lol thank you. I didn’t wanna say it to put down people who work hard and make less but that ain’t ish after 7 years of school.
  5. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Haha Yet you live in lake Mary?? Btw you still need to be admitted in Ohio to practice in federal court in Ohio and defamation is a state statute. Lol look man I agree it’s unlikely for a defamation suit to come but what are you going to do next tell me you were on mock trial in high school...
  6. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Haha that is funny. Quoting salary data that is taken from the top cities in America? Look up tax attorney middle of no where Florida and get back to me.
  7. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    All I’m saying is your legal analysis is likely why you are a tax attorney in bfe Florida. Have a nice day guy.
  8. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    What law school gave you that A? And tough guy? lol Give me your seat number so I know it's real ;)
  9. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    No, just no one wants to read your dissertation of the law.... and did you really justify your knowledge with a law school grade you achieved likely in the early 90's? lol Are you a criminal lawyer? No. Are you licensed in Ohio? No. Just enjoy the show and stop trying to correct people with your...
  10. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    So if you worked for a prominent university, and your wife claims you bang donkeys, and that allegation is then plastered all over the news and strong circumstantial evidence then surrounds the allegation, yet banging donkeys has nothing to do with your job performance you should not be fired...
  11. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Urban is likely feeling those same chest pains that caused him to "retire" from UF while Hernandez was murdering people.
  12. Cookie917

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Kids however will be on social media and see this stuff flying around, especially with the #MeToo movement, they will be out in droves. People will likely question the recruit about it just because it is news and some recruits may decide it is better to cut ties and not be related in any way...