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  1. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    their students and fans don't care just like Penn State's fans didn't care because they were more worried about it ruining their precious football program
  2. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    I work with him hes one of my chiefs. He's an Auburn fan. His info is usually correct.
  3. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    My buddy seems to think it's already done
  4. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    it's so comical to see how ESPN is treating this. I remember when the Shapiro thing broke that morning and by 10 a.m. every ESPN analyst was calling for the death penalty for Miami. Now I know this situation is different and this really isn't an NCAA issue it's more of a title XI issue but...
  5. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Hmm this sounds like what Penn State fans were saying
  6. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    I hear ya but I can say unequivocally and I have many family members in law enforcement I would have gotten my daughter out of that situation. no if ands and buts and I don't care if his grandpa was the former Ohio State coach that means nothing to me
  7. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Her parents knew?? Jesus a father of 3 girls the minute i get a phone call or text saying "daddy I need help" that sh*t would have been over instantly
  8. Canes2082

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Shows that he's dishonest and if he's willing to lie and cover that what else is he willing to lie and cover. Not someone I would want my kid to learn from or play for