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  1. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if word gets out that OSSspew paid Zach off during this ordeal, and have him under a contract that doesn’t allow him to come out about their dirty lil secrets. That way he can’t damage them in the media, and they can have his testimony sealed in court
  2. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    They did that to ensure the media couldn’t ask Urbie any tough questions relative to the investigation. But I’m sure in after game pressers that those questions will come up. What are they going to do, tape him doing a press conference answering predetermined questions with no audience present...
  3. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    WTF? Gets to Coach the players in what, practice? Then can’t coach in the game? LOL, these OSspew administrators are really adept at coming up with unique punishments.
  4. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Unbelievable and incredible all at the same time. I had a feeling this cesspool of a scumbag wouldn’t get fired or do any real hard time relative to suspension. And they even didn’t fire the AD! Just goes to show you that every other program can lie, steal, drug, and pedo little boys but if the...
  5. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    **** Cribby we didn’t need to see that bro, nor wonder how it works. But @CaneDynasty is just the investigative sleuth....he’ll be on it like Sherlock Holmes!,,,
  6. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Well look at that, tOSU and Florida in the Top 10 arrest records. Lovely, I bet Gainesville just kept up Urby’s winning ways there even after his departure. And FSU - it would be higher if not for the Tallahassee Police Department. And then there is “Thug U”, not even in the Top 50, go figure...
  7. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Why is Battle so hard fast on his commitment? You have to know the writing is on the way for Urbie, is he really buying the BS they’re shoving up his backside? He needs to come home and play for the real U, not be up their struggling with all the questions and crap that surely will be coming.
  8. CaneDog66

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Agreed. Make an example of Liar Meyer but wait to do so until after he tries to spin his way out of this mess lol. I just want to see this cesspool of a pig go down hard so that he coaches only at DII schools forever more.