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  1. brock

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    People can complain about dts all they won’t but they tend to forget Norton and McIntosh started with little experience when Diaz and richt first took over for the 2016 season. Same thing will happen this year, no matter who we put in at dt(we have talent for sure there) they will produce...
  2. brock

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    Don’t forget the 0-14 run uva went on and then after the offense tied it up the defense went down again by 14 points making the score 14-28 uva. For as much people like to say the defense bailed the offense out, the offense might have bailed the defense out even more so last season. Don’t forget...
  3. brock

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    Come on man smh, not for the players
  4. brock

    Jaquan calls out Malik

  5. brock

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    Yeah I noticed That too lol