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  1. Pickle Richt

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    OMFG kick him off the team aspd384u089pjsdfnasdkf;n
  2. Pickle Richt

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    Literally no one is acting like that. I'm not sure what you're problem is with Malik, but I hope you get over it or you'll be pretty miserable this season when he's out there and we're winning.
  3. Pickle Richt

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    Maybe. All we've ever needed is a Trent Dilfer, I'm just glad we're getting the W's for once. I think the more laughable implication is comparing last year's defense (while pretty good) to an incredibly dominant defense like that 2000 Ravens team, but we each have our own agenda. I just don't...
  4. Pickle Richt

    Jaquan calls out Malik

    So hilarious that the mope of all mopes is such a Butch Davis guy knowing **** well his moping *** was in full support of the retarded Fire Butch Davis banners. Bet after Malik rolls off another double digit win season and back to the ACCCG he'll be a huge Malik supporter. Such a ****.