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  1. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    Your incoherent babble is getting worse, but you said 1 or 2 cycles of Bicht slurp fills you tummy, so we'll have to take your babble as word
  2. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    No, that's the Bicht you slurped in your first bold sentence above. Unsurprising your little Dunning-Kruger brain can't comprehend that, or what a "whig" is. "You're". Right, 2 more cycles of slurping was what you craved, but now your worthless Bicht is gone. Sorry.
  3. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    Ask the blatantly obvious slurper who said the first sentence. The same Dunning Kruger who slurps a man wearing a red "whig"
  4. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    You almost have yourself convinced Bicht slurper. See above lol
  5. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    Try English, not Dunning-Kruger babbling. All that Bicht slurping did your brain bad
  6. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    Your Dunning-Kruger giveaway grammar predicted that belief. We'll take your (largely incoherent) word for it based on...your words
  7. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    I'll buy that for a dollar, yah :rolleyes: Ok, but the Bicht slurping bellyful above, let us guess, you were (in hindsight while seeming really really dumb), only "joking"
  8. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    Own you poorly spelled, largely incomprehensible babble, uttered words. You earned them :p
  9. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    No, that tard thing and the Bicht slurpfest above
  10. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    LOL at the tard
  11. Ammok

    We (should) go 12-0

    Mrs Rosier, while I love your optimism and sons heart/grit for the most part, it might be best to say "Hope" we go 12-0. Me too (no hashtag).