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  1. Loose Cannon

    VT defense gutted this yr -- Mook Reynolds dismissed

    Alright! Now you've really done it! You've gone and jinxed us!
  2. Loose Cannon

    VT defense gutted this yr -- Mook Reynolds dismissed

    Step away from the ledge bro. We should be favored in every game. Whether or not someone named Mook is playing ain’t gonna change that.
  3. Loose Cannon

    VT defense gutted this yr -- Mook Reynolds dismissed

    Against Florida he had a punter playing QB, and against Pitt we had a 3rd baseman :unsure:
  4. Loose Cannon

    VT defense gutted this yr -- Mook Reynolds dismissed

    I would wager that Willie Taggart will do more lasting damage there than a hand full of players will.
  5. Loose Cannon

    VT defense gutted this yr -- Mook Reynolds dismissed

    Couldn't happen to a better squad.