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  1. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    I'm not surprised that's what you got out of it although I've never stated or implied any of that. The problem is here I have true empathy for my fellow man and you have none for anyone other than yourself.
  2. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Thank you sir! I didn't even want to get into things like that, the Tuskegee experiment, etc because these 2 don't know real history. They'll swear we was making it up or they'll say "stop focusing on the past" and all kinds of BS.
  3. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    What you've done is not try to see things from my perspective and have been totally dismissive of our plight. That makes you a supremacist along with the other BS you wrote defending that POS that wrote your national anthem.
  4. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    That's it right there. Go Canes indeed
  5. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    I love how you are actually doing the things you're accusing me of. You got me the dumbest person ever created in a test tube. Your entire ideology is that of a supremacist/racist. You don't see it because it's ingrained in don't know any better bc of the pieces f **** that reared you.
  6. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Why? Only for you to dismiss it? LOL...FOH. I'm alot smarter than that opey. Why was GM sued for giving black/Hispanic folks higher interest rates with the same credit score as their counterparts. Judges giving black/Hispanic folks more time for the same crime as their counterparts when our...
  7. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    This isn't true at all but it's CLEARLY what you 2 have done to me. That victim **** isn't going to work over've done way too much here to ever go back
  8. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    I definitely care about the past bro....have to care..I have no choice.
  9. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Didn't one of these dudes invite me fishing? LMFAO!!!!!!! See what I mean...
  10. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Read a're so ignorant that it should be a crime.
  11. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    LMFAOOOOO! Not it's not. you don't have a clue what being racist is but you love to applying that tag to other people because deep down when no one is know who you are. & that's a bigoted POS. I didn't lump you into **** lumped yourself in with your ideologies...period. You...
  12. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    They were prisoners and enemies of war that were captured & sold...not slaves and you think that was the same as what went on in this country? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

  14. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    LOL at this dude. When did the prison system began, when did it experience it's economic boom? You're such ignorant piece of work...answer those questions so I can put you to shame David Duke.
  15. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Yeah because being sold/exchanged means you are allowed to kill, rape, treat inhumane, call them racial slurs, throwing off ships chained so they can drown... Are you realizing WTF you're saying? Yet you root for the U right?
  16. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Yeah you definitely even defense white supremacist ideologies.
  17. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Yeah..."you people" is soooooo racist. LMFAO @ the offspring of colonizers going this route. Typical typical...racist white people are quick to call others a racist from a different demographic. Another page from the racist handbook. This thread is almost 20 pages and you've done enough where...
  18. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Bro are you aware they we are in America where our people were enslaved. Slavery isn't extinct...they just transformed it into the criminal justice system/prison industrial complex system
  19. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    This guy is so stupid that he keeps bringing up extinct civilizations to make a point. They are you know what that means definition boy. Is the United States extinct?
  20. T

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Spoken like a true white supremacist but he gets a pass because he roots for essentially the minority dominated Hurricanes. Run boy, catch boy, but you better not **** my daughter. Tragic...why didn't your mother swallow you.