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  1. RangerGranger

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Good point, but I'd loop you back to my previous reply TLDR: It's not what you say, it's how it's perceived. And I think Kap didn't communicate it well enough for everyone to understand what it stood for, which obviously ****ed a few people off.
  2. RangerGranger

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    I'm with you on that. A government that goes unchecked will take over.... Everyone has to be checked, including those who protect us.
  3. RangerGranger

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Maybe I'm just stating two perspectives. Like, highlighting the disconnect. I'm still tryna figure out how you solve something by being one sided - let me know!
  4. RangerGranger

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    There is so much wrong with your point of view, just do me a favor and don't raise your kids to hate cops because you know the majority of them are great people who put their lives on the line! They come from the working class like us! Like the old saying goes, "if you've done nothing wrong...
  5. RangerGranger

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Best quote I ever heard in my life: "It's not what you say, it's how it's perceived." Plus, Kap kneeling? haha, bro couldn't beat out Blaine Gabbert so he took a knee and opted out of a 100$ million dollar contract WHEN I KNEW HE WASN'T GOING TO GET ANOTHER CONTRACT. How are you worth...
  6. RangerGranger

    OT Hard knocks Cleveland Browns

    Wait, you boycotting the NFL?