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  1. C

    Offensive formations/plays you want to see this year

    Oh look, it's " that guy". The coach cuckhold running into defend the coaches from nothing other than simple x/o talk on a FOOTBALL BOARD!!!! What ever should we talk about master board cuck? I really hope you're a chick or at least trans , because running in here sarcastically talking about...
  2. C

    Offensive formations/plays you want to see this year

    I agree with the qb issue and execution( to a point ) that’s why I’m not as hard on MR’s offense as a lot of other posters. Even though I think a lot of his scheme is stuck in the 90’s (minus the rpo stuff). That being said , the point I’m making is still a huge part of today’s football. And...
  3. C

    Offensive formations/plays you want to see this year

    I never understood why we didn’t use more eye candy like this. All the bubbles with nothing off that action. That’s my knock on Richt , there’s no smoke n mirrors , just watch Clemson. It’s stealing , so much movement , motions and misdirections. That’s why all the qbs in this type of offenses...
  4. C

    Offensive formations/plays you want to see this year

    Play 7 ol , including one at qb. Which could help the run game and completion percentage. Then throw more fades to 5’9 wr’s in the red zone.