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  1. SayWhat

    Clemson $$$$$ At It Again In Florida

    I hear you man. Everyone is unique and what one prefers today, that may change tomorrow. That's why I don't get bent out of shape whenever a recruit goes wherever. I don't know all of the reasons behind their decisions, I just hope they made the right one for them.
  2. SayWhat

    Clemson $$$$$ At It Again In Florida

    I've been and for a college town, it's a good one. IMO, most big college towns are pretty cool and completely different from city schools or small private ones. To add to above, when I was growing up, Miami was it. Then I went to another college and was sold. Had I visited some others as...
  3. SayWhat

    Clemson $$$$$ At It Again In Florida

    It won't ever end, even when there's no tangible evidence of any foul play. This is just the latest thing in a long list of excuses as to why someone picks another school over us. In the eyes of a lot of posters, there's never a reason to pick anyone over us, so an excuse must be made. These...
  4. SayWhat

    Clemson $$$$$ At It Again In Florida

    Clemson, well... ... ...they have been kind of good lately. They have absolutely demolished us the last couple of games. Winning programs attract good recruits. They also have landed some pretty good QB's, not that we haven't, but they've done better on paper. Clemson, most schools we...