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  1. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    And the reason it was 3rd and 16 is that on the play before, Trevor Darling let a DE on a stunt come through without being touched. Takes a certain amount of guts to stand in the pocket and fire that ball that well after getting planted on the previous play.
  2. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    First rule of being a receiver: If it hits both hands, you're supposed to catch it. It was 3rd and 16 from the 10. Rosier released the ball from inside our 5. Hit the receiver in both hands at the 45--40 yards of ball flight, and your complaint is which shoulder it was over? Understanding...
  3. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    So? He had the defender beat and let the ball drop right through his hands.
  4. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    And it was a play-action run fake. Play-action is a Quarters killer. It forces the DBs to stop peeking in the backfield for their run keys.
  5. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    And just so no one accuses me of ragging on JT, here's the Richards drop from two plays before the JT drop. People like to argue that this wasn't a drop, but I don't care. Richards is 6'2" and was up around 200 before he dropped some weight rehabbing his injury. He has inside position on a 5'9"...
  6. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    Me too. Rosier was bad that day, no doubt. Below average to begin with, and possibly playing through injury made him downright terrible. My point is, how different would Pitt have played after being lit up by a 90 yard bomb on the opening series? Think about it. That was their whole game plan...
  7. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    Respectfully disagree. Not that it would have made Rosier any more accurate, but I tend to think momentum is critical in college football. We kick off to Pitt, force them to punt, and then had JT not dropped that pass it's a 90 yard TD score. I think that would have taken the wind out of Pitt's...
  8. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    2 reasons to play zone against Clemson: 1. They have a young and unproven QB. Zone causes a QB to read, reading takes time, time allows pressure, pressure bursts pipes. The objective is to give time for the pass rush to get home by making the QB take extra time. 2. Kelly Bryant is a better...
  9. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    Both Richards and Thomas dropped a catchable ball on Miami’s first possession, Thomas’s would have gone for 6. How different could that game have been had we scored within the first 3 minutes.
  10. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    Amen. In 2001, Dorsey had 3 games in which he completed less than 50%, Boston College, FSU, and ****** Tech. Nobody remembers those games for Dorsey playing uncharacteristically poor because we won.
  11. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    They played Cover 4/Quarters all game. 7 players in shallow zone coverage to take away quick passes and force Rosier to make accurate throws in tight zones or over the top. I’ve done several play by play breakdowns of that game. Pitt never loaded the box not one down that entire game. They...
  12. Loose Cannon

    Real Talk...

    Our tailbacks ran the ball for 16 yards against Pitt. Show me a team that won a game with 16 yards rushing before you start blabbing about how we would have still lost behind Bama's O-line. Good teams have tough games. Good and even great QBs are bound to have about a game on average every...