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  1. Rellyrell

    Nadab Joseph uga signee

    Naw; I was just razzing u my g. U actually make a solid point that really is a deeper issue than just football. However, w some of these kids, they simply don’t apply themselves.
  2. Rellyrell

    Nadab Joseph uga signee

    U may see me drop some social knowledge or statistics e.g the Tai thread regarding how tough Bridgeport is. But that had zero to do w Tai v. posters glorifying how tough this area is compared to that area. I agree; the lack of education or the lack of access to education is problematic in our...
  3. Rellyrell

    Nadab Joseph uga signee

    Man if you don't miss us w/ this social reform bull chit. If you ain't w/ this U then F you, period. Save this crap for the CNN or FOXNews message boards.