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  1. MainLineCane

    New Entrance Theme

    Awwwww poor guy. Really bad life huh? Is that where all this anger is coming from? Anyway, I'll have mercy and won't pile on. I didn't know things were going so bad for you. :eek: **** that's depressing. :zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg: My sympathies. BUT listen, I'm gonna put you on ignore now because...
  2. MainLineCane

    New Entrance Theme

    Anytime I think everyone already knew that it couldn't possibly in any way ever be you .....and that it HAD to be everyone else. So have a good one. Bye
  3. MainLineCane

    New Entrance Theme

    I'm no expert but since you asked Ever think maybe its you .....and the way you say things to others? Communication is a two way street. There are innumerable ways of saying things in understandable inoffensive ways Just saying ok
  4. MainLineCane

    New Entrance Theme

    R, I've always liked the thought of that song as an entrance.....especially the climax !! As for those asking your age... remember this headline