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    Countdown to Canes Football

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    Countdown to Canes Football

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    Countdown to Canes Football

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    Countdown to Canes Football

    It's clearly Santana Moss day today, but we can't leave this dude out...
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    Countdown to Canes Football

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    Countdown to Canes Football

    Only one option with this #
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    Countdown to Canes Football

    I was gonna say there is no reason to post a pic of any other #11 besides Kenny Dorsey...but that Covington pic is cool.
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    Countdown to Canes Football

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    Countdown to Canes Football

    Was this the nekkid-bootleg TD run against FSU back in '86?
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    Countdown to Canes Football

    We only win championships in odd numbered years, where we don't go to the Fiesta Bowl, when a Republican is in the White House, when the starting QB has an "n" somewhere in his name, and when we don't do these count down threads.