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  1. SayWhat

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    The punters should hit the ceiling every time they punt, unless its a directional punt. They can always practice later, outside, by themselves. It isn't like they need to practice with the team all the time or that they'll be locked up inside for weeks at a time.
  2. SayWhat

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    You think 56 feet of space is enough for punting? You are now officially the last person on the planet I would ask for a measurement from. To answer the question, no, you can't punt in there full out.
  3. SayWhat

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    Construction schedules always change and this thread was entertaining. Seems the usual CIS experts who have never been wrong their entire life (even when proven so) got all over that 305 dude for no apparent reason. One thing is obvious, he knows more about this stuff than his naysayers.