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  1. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    This thread is for IPF updates sir.
  2. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    You seem oddly excited that we aren't going to hit our desired opening date. You would much rather it open late, so that you can be "I told you so" guy. Not a good look sir.
  3. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    This is so weird, LOL. This guy Derek would always pop up around the players taking selfies with them like they're best friends. My little brother played for the team a few years back & I remember this guy Derek would always be around the players family area after the games, so I asked him if he...
  4. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    This is the level of professionalism that contractors show in South Florida, no wonder why everything is a **** show down there. Yikes.
  5. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    Dude can’t help himself. LMAO
  6. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    So guy who works on site, who says he’s no longer going to provide info about said site, posts more than anyone in thread about said site, while acknowledging that no one wants his info about said site. You’re trolling in 2035, hard hats off to you sir.
  7. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    @GOCANES05, is your name Derek by any chance?
  8. Caneillac

    IPF- Progress Pics (OP Updated July 10)

    Gocanes05, is your name Derek?