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  1. canesplaymaker

    Gator Grill Out in Canesville Lit

    So obviously you are with us on this. Who exactly can kick this gator sucking merrero to the curb? Do we have to fly a banner? This place is officially over unless action is taken.
  2. canesplaymaker

    Gator Grill Out in Canesville Lit

    Lol at they aren't takes by the gates. They are rated higher then everyone of their commits . Their class is sucking ***
  3. canesplaymaker

    Gator Grill Out in Canesville Lit

    Still waiting for his last check from last class. Rumph should call him out.
  4. canesplaymaker

    Gator Grill Out in Canesville Lit

    Mike Harley Jr.@MikeHarleyjr It Was A Dare Relax Folks @Jayd4_ @DerekWingo @1_blueprint