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  1. L

    Michael Pinckney

    ****** city. The Miami fanbase is filled with clowns like this. Quarterman and Pinckney have both been just as productive as Devin White. Not a single bit of difference between them, and yet we got dumbasses like this shi**ing on our own players to suck off others. lol. When Pinckney and...
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    Michael Pinckney

    Sorry about the name calling. But my point stands. What Shaq and Mike did in 2016 was far more impressive than anything Denzel did his first two years. Not only did Shaq and Mike produce more, and earned better honors, they also carried the team as true FR. They are far ahead of where Denzel...
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    Michael Pinckney

    For the clowns like Coach Macho with their dumbass revisionist history: Perryman had 133 total tackles in his first two years, 12.5 tackles for loss, and earned All ACC honorable mention in his SO year. Pinckney has 129 total tackles in his first two years, 18.5 tackles for loss, and earned...
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    Michael Pinckney

    Lotta dumb revisionist history going on here. Shaq and Pinckney have been literally 10 times better than Perryman when comparing their first two years at Miami. It’s not even close.