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  1. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    Assy Booger made a typically blovitaing posrt a couple weeks ago basically saying "Mike Tyson is a psussy but I was too much of a psussy to tell him that when I saw him face-to-face."
  2. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    Most of these guys need a padded room.
  3. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    She plays 2-gap. No doubt.
  4. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    Haven't you learned? It's all about depth.
  5. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    You wanna start threads dissin us show yo *** up to lot 12 blue lot bro. We rep for our city and team what about you? Wanna be a keyboard gangsta but none of yall btiches wanna man up and come face us. Keep hidin behind this schit. We dem blue lot boyz 1000 deep on game days. We bout dat bodybag...
  6. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    I'm pretty plugged in. My daughter wrote the Right to Try bill that's about to be passed.
  7. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    I can't believe you porsted such a brief succinct porst. Keep up the good work.
  8. Cane Dynasty

    Political forum?

    We hate each other enough as it is. No need to add napalm to the Deepwater Horizon.