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  1. paksat

    OT Roger Goodell, Rich *** Clown

    " "This time the NFL finishes fourth out of four. Inflation-adjusted Forbes valuations show that Major League Baseball team values rose 189 percent from 2006 to 2016, NBA team values rose 181...
  2. paksat

    OT Roger Goodell, Rich *** Clown

    numbers suggest he's doing otherwise sure he made plenty, but viewer numbers are dipping dramatically for a lot of the reasons I stated earlier
  3. paksat

    OT Roger Goodell, Rich *** Clown

    If you can't tell just how soft the nfl has gotten over his watch, the ridiculous calls, the silly "equal rights" bs etc. etc. etc. like gatorh8r said, I can't help you
  4. paksat

    OT Roger Goodell, Rich *** Clown

    you must not follow the nfl period