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  1. ghost2

    Utilizing Our Weapons/Strengths

    I think we can argue semantics here a bit - Macho is right that very few teams are lining up in 21 (I-form with a FB and in-line TE and 2 WR) consistently. But the so-called "power/smashmouth spread" offenses run by guys like Chad Morris, Meyer (at OSU), and Malzahn use an H-back (kind of a...
  2. ghost2

    Utilizing Our Weapons/Strengths

    This is pretty much where I'm at.
  3. ghost2

    Utilizing Our Weapons/Strengths

    So, it occurred to me that I already posted a thread on this a while ago lol - here it is: "So I've been mulling over the recent discussions/quotes from various sources about "I-formation" vs. "spread" vs. "RPO" vs...
  4. ghost2

    Utilizing Our Weapons/Strengths

    I have a LOT of thoughts on this, both in terms of what we are running (especially offensively) and what I think we *should* be running, based on my armchair coaching acumen... If I have time I'll try to piece together something later this week that speaks to this. In brief, I think we're...