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  1. Suarez

    You Clowns STILL Gonna Defend Uncle Puke?

    i reread my post and, my bad, didnt mean "you defending him". was intended to say 'anyone defending him". And no, him being slimy has zero to do with him being black. But, him being slimy and black allows him to play the race card when it doesnt merit it, just like a slimy woman will cry sexism...
  2. Suarez

    You Clowns STILL Gonna Defend Uncle Puke?

    the very first sentence of the op quotes Luke calling Vilma an Uncle Tom... And Luke is a scumbag because all he does is play the race card, and defending him doing so means you support him being racist...
  3. Suarez

    You Clowns STILL Gonna Defend Uncle Puke?

    he played the race card when Randy was fired and said he was treated differently because of the color of his skin
  4. Suarez

    You Clowns STILL Gonna Defend Uncle Puke?

    douche mentions us not going after Devonta Freeman, but won't mention that it was his boy Radio that **** the bed.. And point blank, anyone that defends Luke is a racist