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  1. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    If this is your stance, nothing you say now, and nothing you’ve said in the past, is believable. Arthur Blank is the type of man that contributes to charity, that’s a foregone conclusion. A well respected self made entrepreneur and billionaire is not going to knowingly contribute to an illegal...
  2. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I mean Bama does too, at least their top of the board guys. But Georgia is being downright blatant about it. I’m not a coach, not in the slightest, but I do help out on a volunteer basis with off season condition (non-weights, strictly focused on cardiovascular endurance, running, stretching...
  3. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I have no idea where he’s committing but why are you even worried about tweets that are five or six days old. That’s what this guy - does screws around on Twitter. Get the fūck over it
  4. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I doubt anybody cares about silly tweets. Only when recruits do and say crazy-*** stuff do the schools care. Like a strong coach can’t handle a kid that likes to tease people on twitter. Again, it amazes me that people get so wrapped up in this BS. This isn’t a Wilson or a Jobe dissing the U.
  5. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    Exactly my thoughts
  6. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I’d be willing to bet if he does commmit to ville, that’s not where he ends up. It would really be a flaky thing to do, so he wouldn’t stick. Just my 2 cents.
  7. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I get it. I don’t know where he ends up, but...... This guy is trolling the fūck out of you twits. Grown men getting played like a fiddle by a 17 year old. Ignore it. He’s probably laughing at you fools right now.... Pay attention to his actions and then just let it men.
  8. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    The whole thing has me looking side-eye...
  9. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    He might be trolling cus I don’t get it
  10. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    Why Curry? What’s their connection? Are they related?
  11. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I honestly wouldn’t know what they’re doing or thinking. No clue at all. I mean that’s who he would spend most of his time with, coaching wise. But as to what individual recruits and families are looking for, I can only guess. The deal with Bogle is I don’t think anyone knows where he stands...
  12. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    No, you can’t even get that right. I told you to drink a gallon of hydrochloric acid. Get to chugging....
  13. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    If you put 2 and 2 together...I mean @caneballza uses a Bogle thread to trash his position coach. Surely knowing Bogle reads this. All signs point to him being a troll...not to mention him trying to “out”, ie, rat out a Miami player. Guys looking like a pure troll.
  14. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I know he did more than a video assistant. The Falcons own description have him assisting in installing the defense and helping to coach the DLine. I’m sure Young did most if the coaching, but that’s a good place to learn, Simpson was right there with him. The point is, saying he was merely a...
  15. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    Pretty much @caneballza has been wrong on every factual point in his posts for 3 or 4 pages. Simpson’s just an analyst with the Falcons? WRONG! (buzzer noise) Miami’s never been a place where assistant coaches “learn the ropes”? Doesn’t even know the history of his own team. WRONG! (buzzer...
  16. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    No class is ever great at this stage, no matter what it’s ranked. They’re only judges as great years later. Manny is a silver tongued devil, but in principle, what he said this morning is correct. And if it is, and our coaches are evaluating correctly, this will be as good as any top six or...
  17. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    I’ve never seen so much gaturd love in one place before. But you keep fighting the good fight, and keep defending your beloved toothless hillbillies.
  18. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    Go do your homework
  19. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    When barely pubescent 17 year old snot nosed kids make supposedly grown *** men act like jilted teenage chicks, that’s when I just lean back and laugh.
  20. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Kris Bogle

    Whatever you say. Some of those examples were manufactured drama. Who cares.