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  1. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    No offense to you. But you don't have to be in the know to realize this. It's clear as day what Luke does.
  2. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    You spelled "butt hurt" wrong
  3. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    This is so hilarious
  4. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    I have to disagree, D. The minute you come out and say you'll snitch out your team if they don't start your preferred QB, you've lost your fan card.
  5. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Wasn't sure on that. But it's hard for an incoming coach to come in with 1-2 months left in a cycle and flip a guy from Jimbo.
  6. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    I've constantly asked this as well because Puke has on a number of occasions attributed Freeman going to FSU as a Golden **** up. Whereas his boy, Randy wasn't even recruiting him (Randy's last year at Miami was during Freeman's recruiting cycle).
  7. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Oh, Golden ****ed up quite a lot of evaluations. The Ryan Mayes and Herb Waters ones were legit.
  8. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    This. That's the main beef I, like many others has with Luke. You'd constantly see him going to visit Tallahassee and chill with Brewster and Jimbo.
  9. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    LOL, Puke's so mad.....bwhahahaha
  10. orange&green84

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Vilma's a god. Hands down. Luke's a fraud. That's all that needs to be said. **** Luke.