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  1. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Luke has NEVER apologized for that. Luke has NEVER retracted his statement. When is CaneSince going to show up to act as if Luke's claims are just as "truthful" as Shapiro's claims about Jonathan Vilma. Yeah, for a fraud like CaneSince, it's 100% true when Shapiro says it, but it's just a big...
  2. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Luke is a liar. Such a disgusting liar. Dalvin Cook was recruited hard by Miami all along. There was no "Yearby over Cook" decision. We wanted them both. Recruited them both. Would have taken a commit from both. Yearby and Cook both gave the impression that they were willing to go to the...
  3. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    White knighting is one thing. Slander is another. I don't mind if GoGeta says something positive about Luke. But that is fundamentally different from CaneSince slandering Jonathan Vilma.
  4. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    I never said "strange men". That was just your sexual fantasies kicking in.
  5. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Look at this fake-**** "Cane fan" who is obviously a rival fan. He keeps RIDING this nonsense about Shapiro. Here's the simple thing about "Ponzi schemers"...they conceal the fact that they are Ponzi schemers. To keep regurgitating this BS about Jonathan Vilma "rubbin' elbows" with a Ponzi...
  6. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    What a fraud you are. You don't respond to the substance of my posts. You still haven't explained "unclean hands" (you can't, because you are an idiot who misused the term). Instead, you post about the amount of time it took me to respond to your ridiculous post. Wow. Look, not all of us...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Exactly. CaneSince4Ever is a fraud. He is, quite literally, asking US to prove VILMA's statements, and then acting as if our lack of knowledge about Vilma's personal knowledge somehow exonerates Uncle Puke. I love 2Live. Saw them at The Rat. Have all the CDs. I used to live one block over...
  8. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Too many to name. Seriously. Just start with that loser a$$hat from Champagnat, he was responsible for several on his own. And then look into Uncle Puke taking kids on trips to OTHER schools besides Miami. Maybe there aren't receipts, but Puke has (a) verbally and publicly trashed Miami for...
  9. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Like a moron, you literally cut-and-pasted two of my words out of context AND YOU STILL DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION. Look, you are not very intelligent. I challenged you to SPECIFICALLY define the way in which Vilma's hands are "not clean", and you still can't do it. Do you even know what...
  10. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    You are, literally, one of the worst kind of Miami fans that exists. You are whining about Jon Vilma "not having clean hands". ABOUT WHAT? Jon is criticizing Luke for steering players to F$U. If Jon himself steered other kids to another school, ONLY THEN would he have "unclean hands" to make...
  11. TheOriginalCane

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Why don't you ask Jon Vilma, you fake fan.