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  1. KevinCaneFace

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    Defend Luke now.
  2. KevinCaneFace

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    By the bounty money you mean the money he was given by a booster for putting his body on the line making millions for a school and receiving none of it? You see how you can dramatize both sides of the coin? Bottom line: Vilma is a Cane and Luke is a snake who threatened to snitch on the Canes.
  3. KevinCaneFace

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    This stuff He won them a national championship and gave them 35 straight victory Saturdays to lift their spirits.
  4. KevinCaneFace

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    How bout Luke threatened to snitch on the University to the NCAA? I don’t care if he becomes Mother Teresa. He’s no CANE!
  5. KevinCaneFace

    Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

    So (allegedly) getting some handouts in college makes you a sellout? Lol. Luke blackmailed the school, trashed them constantly, and has gotten the school into trouble himself. GTFO. Vilma is the guy you want representing the team.