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  1. Pickle Richt

    If Miami played LSU next weekend..

    I’ll take that bet in a heartbeat.
  2. Pickle Richt

    If Miami played LSU next weekend..

    Agreed, but their noticeable adjustments were on offense. We couldn’t stop them at all. It’s crazy how much our defense got passes all year.
  3. Pickle Richt

    If Miami played LSU next weekend..

    That’s why he was fired? Man, Nick Saban must be burning on his hot seat. What a retarded comment.
  4. Pickle Richt

    If Miami played LSU next weekend..

    Da fuq? We were a second half team all of last year. If you think we lost to Clemson because of a failure to adjust you have no idea what you’re talking about.
  5. Pickle Richt

    If Miami played LSU next weekend..

    Every one of our backups has NFL potential.
  6. Pickle Richt

    If Miami played LSU next weekend..

    Having named all of your starters by the spring is the standard you’re expecting? The standard at Miami is competition at all positions. Sweet agenda though, it’s not obvious at all.