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  1. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    I listened and what I got is that his leadership could be better. So what? It’s all guessing. If you want to think he’s inferring that his leadership has sucked at certain times, I wouldn’t disagree. At least from my limited perspective. But I didn’t hear him say his teammates hated him or that...
  2. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    But he’s not my preferred quarterback. Your sports world view is so skewed and bizarre that if someone isn’t hating on Rosier in the worst and most personal way possible, ie, attacking his character, his leadership, his personal traits, then that person must be a dlck rider to you, or at least...
  3. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    You just don’t get it. I’m not “white knighting” him. Never have. People dissect his sideline demeanor all the time, his “leadership”, I rarely, if ever, comment. Not a topic I feel particularly strong about either way. You’re missing the point entirely. It’s that according TO YOU teammates...
  4. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    Do you think if you put 80 people together they’re all going to love each other all the time? So maybe a couple of guys had something to say. Maybe. It’s not about throwing sunshine. It’s about an educator like you doing a pretty rat shltty thing that in the end has no bearing on anything...
  5. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    So you're part of the university and you think it’s ok to throw out second hand information about someone's character, that you don’t even know if it’s true, regarding a guy that still might be taking snaps for us this year? Serious question: what does that make you? What kind of person does...
  6. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    Yea, it’s basically just made up bullshlt. They sure liked him on that last drive against FSU.
  7. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    You guys simply don’t understand what was happening on those throws. It’s a shame it has to be explained to you. It’s amazing how little people here understand about even the most basic concepts of football. First, not seeing great finishing effort from the TE’s. Second, it’s a fūcking timing...
  8. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    This is a simple point people just don’t get. It completely escapes them. In high school, these quarterbacks were facing 11 defensive players, of which 90% or more never even went on to play Division 2 football. Now every single player they face on the other side of the ball is ten times better...
  9. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    I remember reading his weight the other day, forgot exactly what it was, but it sounded a little on the pudgy side, unless he’s just all muscled out. Has anybody seen him? Is he a fatbody or is he muscled up?
  10. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    This would be three-dimensional chess, like they play on Star Trek. It would show Rick is 30 moves ahead of everyone else. I’m all about it.
  11. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    Now here’s a an example of a good Broke post. Emphasis on long race, as in I don’t think we’ll have any idea until midsummer.
  12. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    You realize the observers are only watching the first few minutes of practice, right? The sample size is too small and you’re too emotional if your soul is already shattered. Go to church.
  13. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    You need to get off the ketamine. Dallas was what’s known as a running quarterback in high school, most commonly referred to as an athlete. A guy playing RB from the QB position. Looking to run most plays. He averaged between 6 and 7 pass attempts in high school per game and about 38 yds pg...
  14. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    Man, I don’t want to see a rotation against LSU. They may suck balls on offense but I expect them to have a legit defense. I just think we need to develop an identity from the jump on offense. There really haven’t been enough snaps yet to determine anything and I think by midsummer someone...
  15. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    Why bother? It’s like trying to explain calculus equations to a hamster. He just won’t get it. Some people think it’s like Xbox.
  16. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    God gawd the idiocy in this thread is just stupefying! Now, after 3-4 practices in pads, N’Kosi is lazy and lackadaisical and basically has no shot. Based on super reliable observations. Let’s see, what else? Oh yeah, Weldon needs to transfer tomorrow because he has less than a zero point...
  17. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    Spring game? LOL You know there’s post spring individual workouts afterwards, and then summer/fall practices with another 3 scrimmages. By the end of August the spring scrimmage will have seemed like a middle school circle jerk. But of course the porsters at CIS will have the same Pavlovian...
  18. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    I’m not buying the platoon rotation. Maybe it’s just my bias, but I’ve never been a big fan of that. Ever. I mean, I don’t mind when you bring in a wildcat guy like DJ Dallas at the goal line, or not even at the goal line like we did with ND, because he also can throw a little, but platooning...
  19. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Todays practice 31st

    I would just caution that one person’s interpretation of being lackadaisical might not be viewed the same by another, when viewed with another’s eyes. You just never know if he’s really being this way or maybe that’s his manner but he’s still intense internally. Who knows. I would expect the...