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  1. jhtheking

    Bamarrero at it again

    Alright dude, you argue the worst points ever. By that definition, Adolf Hitler is too. You're in good company. Going on the block list.
  2. jhtheking

    Bamarrero at it again

    And so is everyone here. If you mean spending extra time thinking about you or something, then no. When I read something you write, or see one of your reactions, I think "man BigPingCane sucks." And then that's it.
  3. jhtheking

    Bamarrero at it again

    Yeah I have it in my head that you suck.
  4. jhtheking

    Bamarrero at it again

    Yeah I was willing to give him another chance. There's no excuse. If one of my best friends posts/tweets something I disagree with I won't like it just because he's my friend. There's really no card he can play to get out of this.
  5. jhtheking

    Bamarrero at it again

    Of course the only person that doesn't agree with your post is @BigPingCane Can we please ban @BigPingCane and @ErickMarreroU?