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  1. CaneFan79

    Drake - Gods Plan (Offical Video) Featuring The U

    Too bad Coach Kul took the wrong message from this video...Drake spread the love, Saban's stacks of cash only go to South Florida recruits he wants.
  2. CaneFan79

    Drake - Gods Plan (Offical Video) Featuring The U

    Don't forget the undercard: Featuring new takes on old hits: "Push it...(No, get me an electric scooter)" "Lets talk about *** (that I'm not getting)" Now with an awesome re-boot: "It takes two (dollars to book me)" Edit: Drake's video is now #1 on You Tube trending.
  3. CaneFan79

    Drake - Gods Plan (Offical Video) Featuring The U

    SIX Million plus views on You Tube in one day...After the big numbers of applications post-Football (Turnover Chain anyone?), this is far beyond the greatest yield (accepted students enrolling) boosting event admissions could have ever dreamed of happening!
  4. CaneFan79

    Drake - Gods Plan (Offical Video) Featuring The U

    Don't you worry, Willy knows he now has to get that Canadian Hip Hop angle covered and he has already got the contract signed off...