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  1. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    Big final battle scene for season 8 has been leaked.
  2. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    I was just going by what GRRM wrote in his initial outline for the books. If Dany lives then there is no way that the starks can control everything.
  3. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    yes bran eventually wargs the dragon sansa most likely dies jon and dany never fvck cersi and jamie both die
  4. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    Highly unlikely. Has HBO actually said that they have 4-5 ideas for the spinoff? Everything I've seen is from sources other than HBO.
  5. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    This episode is actually pretty decent. I won't complain about back-to-back good episodes. Don't worry about spoilers. There aren't any.
  6. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    One kind of gets the feeling that everyone involved in the show is getting jaded with it and are ready to move on to different projects.
  7. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    One of the best episodes of the last 2 seasons. They should let Dave Hill write at least half of the episodes from here out. He's the only one that even comes close to GRRM.
  8. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    Yes. (tbh I thought you'd laugh about the Roots thing. Didn't expect you to get all booty sore about it)
  9. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    better than roots? foh
  10. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    Like what? It was yet another flaccid episode. Bad writing and rushed plot line with a tepid cliffhanger. The dragons burning the tail end of the lannister army was decent. Other than that the show has been schit for at least 2 seasons now.
  11. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    the last 2 seasons have sucked ***. as soon as they got ahead of the books the whole thing went in the schitter. the new episode (4) sucks just as bad as the rest of this season has.
  12. Cane Dynasty

    OT- Game of Thrones - Season 7

    what a douchebag