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  1. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

  2. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

    They played Michigan in 2017 in Dallas (AT&T Stadium) the first game of the season. I know they don't count bowl games, but maybe they don't count the Michigan game because it was a neutral site game? Oh well... ***** em... go Utah!! Utes by 10.
  3. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

  4. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

  5. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

  6. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

    If this game was played every single year in Atlanta Georgia, going back to the 1930's, even with the tickets and revenue being split 50/50, I promise you that every single gator fan would cry foul. Jacksonville just isn't a neutral site. I have a buddy who is a Florida fan, (I know I know...
  7. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

    ☝️I never understood why this matters so much to fans of other schools. I graduated from UCF but I've been a fan of Miami since we moved to Orlando in the early 80's. So I'm not allowed to be a Hurricanes fan?
  8. klineski96

    Tears Gator Tears

    Hold up... is this REAL? :roll-canes2: