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  1. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    I'd chip in to assist that hire. Gaytors, I believe The Original Cane gave you the obvious power move. Show us you have what it takes to go to another level. We at CIS are pulling for you with this shock and awe strategy. Don't ever say we don't care.
  2. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Chomp GTR
  3. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    They're afraid of the Cristo-B virus hitting them soon.
  4. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Can't be! There's only one El on this board.
  5. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    For some reason I have a mental picture of Fred Mertz from the "I love Lucy Show." This is the big opportunity for Matocha to make the big move to Gaynesville.
  6. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Well then, may God smite the Gaytor program.
  7. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    He is the restroom manager. Would you like your shoes shined!
  8. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Not one Gaytor fanboy has a clue what McClain's NIL is. There is no evidence a majority of it came from a Ruiz company. I remember reading a while back that may be as many as 1700 companies in South Florida involved in the NiL arena. South Florida is a bustling , dynamic area., Cow Town is...
  9. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Yeah, Billy Boy is cool. Last I remembered; warm air rises and cool air sinks. That Gaytor brand is sinking.
  10. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    It's going to read "If you have Swamp Gas or are suffering from Gaytor Bowel Syndrome you be entitled to a payout" Call 1-800- MAC ****.
  11. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    You nailed it!
  12. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Bill Belechek was fired from his first head coaching job. The Gaytor fans must think he sucks as a coach.
  13. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    I think they finally decided on "Gaytor Kibbutz" it has that collective feeling to it.
  14. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Someone needs to call the DOT because I-75 near Gainesville is going need a bridge to drive over the tears. Life Wallet Bridge has a nice ring to it.
  15. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    You forgot their location: Hogtown
  16. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Y E S
  17. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    I believe the Gaytors are going all in to lure Tate Martell out of retirement. Then they can tell everyone how they signed a 5 star player, while we only have a 4 star.
  18. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    I believe the SAT once had an answer to a question , Tallahassee is to Urinals, as Gainesville is to Bidets
  19. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    They had the highest recorded levels of fiber in their stool samples. Metamucil NIL on the way
  20. 77cane

    Tears Gator Tears

    Nappo appears to be relaxing in their new recruitment planning center.