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  1. G

    PB Garden's Vandarius Cowan kicked off team

    Cleary you are not reading what im saying. No where am I saying we need dumbasses that punch 140 pound frat kids are bars. How ever ... I do know many national champions fro a college team where the players did do these types of things... just saying .. they won their games is all that matters...
  2. G

    PB Garden's Vandarius Cowan kicked off team

    we need football players. If you like Miami Football then you should know we've had goons, we have had thugs. Not all goons or Thugs are bad people just because of some mistakes they make and they are actually players that play with alot of passion is what my definition would be talking about...
  3. G

    PB Garden's Vandarius Cowan kicked off team

    I believe in second chances. bring back Sam Bruce as well !