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  1. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Man I've been saying this for **** near 20 years. It's so frustrating. Your gif is about how I feel. I used to get attacked back in the Coker era on Canestime because when I pointed out we were evaluating for ****, guys would accuse me of being a Coker defender LMAO. Like it wasn't possible...
  2. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Macho definitely knows his stuff, even if some folks don't wanna always hear it.
  3. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    david was a shannon era kid. it is funny that the one kid we didn’t take from that mnw class turns out to be by far the beat. BUT - iirc he went juco. not sure it was such an option back then. but that aside, it’s a fact that there are some posters on this and some other boards who know...
  4. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    It’s actually a reality of all professions that sometimes people outside the bubble can see things that those inside just miss. True on wall st. True in sports. Coker’s country club, shannon’s chaos, dorito’s D, Richt’s O, many fans were right when the conventional wisdom types all insisted...
  5. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    See, you're here calling people names and cursing because ... why? Because other people are interested in a discussion that bothers you? That's kinda the definition of hot under the collar, I'd say. Who cares how many posts there were a few years ago? We both know you wouldn't feel any...
  6. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    That's your take. Some folks find it interesting to discuss this stuff, and even to look back and see what we can learn. Others, apparently you included, get hot under the collar when the discussion makes you uncomfortable.
  7. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    The slurpers are undefeated at acting superior at every point along the failed path.
  8. Ethnicsands

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Is it moping when he's been right all these years? Maybe the problem is folks who just can't see things clearly?