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  1. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    facts even when he was wildcat i knew he was keepin it 100.
  2. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Why do u get triggered about anything negative? Lol
  3. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    David was the guy I think sometimes they think every BS recruit is good but don't understand thats HS. It goes back to that Girlie Brown vid.....he was the only one that knew u have to put the kid vs ACC comp. No one on the staff understood wtf he was saying but he was right. AG and them...
  4. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Crazy **** is i dont even live down there and I sometimes question why they pass on certain kids that check every old school cane box. I wanted Battle real bad but knew he was playing us and we were never number 2 behind OSU. Facts if I coached at UM I would really listen to some guys here and...
  5. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    It also proves who knows about players more then the coaches. I was big on Elijah Moore and we passed him up for scrubs. Was ok with it cause the star system failed me. Moore was a super human everytime I saw him he created so much seperation.
  6. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    I hated the Giants hires I didn't know about Judge but when I heard the press conference I was impressed he wasn't soft. Also the way he punished Tate how he handles it and the media....dude looks like the real deal. I picked the bucs early in the year to come out the NFC also picked the Bills...
  7. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    It's true's just so stupid to me that we know more then guys hired to know more. It's super mind boggling to me
  8. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    I hate it that I trust gogeta liberty and others on here more then the staff. I remember the Hyppolite over Flagg it was so obvious but hey the staph knows more I guess.
  9. Dwinstitles

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Most people wanted him. Proves again us message board folk know more then the staff getting paid millions.