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  1. CaneTheGaytors

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Not only did he create great separation in his high-school film (especially the year that he played at Western under Macho), but he was filthy after the catch, and fast. I remember saying over and over at that time that he was, in my opinion, the best WR prospect out of the ones that we...
  2. CaneTheGaytors

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Giancarlo is definitely a very common Italian name. Also, my point was that Michael IS a very popular Italian name. Michael Angelo, the legendary artist, was DEFINITELY Italian.
  3. CaneTheGaytors

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Guess this dude neve watched "The Godfather." It's not like the main character in the films was named Michael Corleone or anything.