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  1. 88

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    At the time The kid was mentioned a lot more than just this thread. A large portion of the board wanted him, and it was expressed throughout the cycle. A fair amount of times passed and it’s proven he’s a stud... Stuff like that is going to be brought up again every time, on any board for any...
  2. 88

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    This. With our last 15 years of ****, who’s the delusional one? “Mopes” were right about Coker, Shannon, Golden and Richt. What are the “slurpers” W’s?
  3. 88

    2018 4* DE Nik Bonitto - St. Thomas Aquinas

    Another W for the board over staff