Official TVD comments on Hard Rock

3 current/future B1G teams. Interesting.

Of course, it’s the University of Miami. Everyone picks up on this.

I go to every game and I understand the fan base is partly responsible.

Tyler bears responsibility as well for crapping on his team. This is just extra gasoline for the recruiting wars. It matters man. It does.

Our own QB needs to be better with his public relations opportunities.

This made it to FOX NEWS!!!

We could’ve sold out every game for the last 20 years. It doesn’t make the product on the field any better. Stop always blaming Miami fans.


Looks like when two smaller high schools play in a college or pro venue.

I get why the B1G grabbed UCLA with USC but I do wonder if at some point the UCLA juice won't be worth the squeeze if this actually gets contentious and political.

Looks like when two smaller high schools play in a college or pro venue.

I get why the B1G grabbed UCLA with USC but I do wonder if at some point the UCLA juice won't be worth the squeeze if this actually gets contentious and political.

I’ll be surprised if they push them out, short of getting another west coast team to take their spot. USC alone makes no sense. You almost have to add two teams out there to facilitate that to the other Big Ten Schools.
I can't really fault Tyler. He could have said it differently but whatever. He's a college kid. Not some polished politician. But anyways, I want to see him bring that brashness and ****iness to the field, not the podcast booth.
I’ll be surprised if they push them out, short of getting another west coast team to take their spot. USC alone makes no sense. You almost have to add two teams out there to facilitate that to the other Big Ten Schools.
Yeah, the B1G won't make that move. It would have to be a successful legal/power move by the UC system with the backing of Gavin Newsom.

Gun to head, I probably wouldn't bet on that because they're already going almost the weakest sauce route and leaning into things like "this violates our climate change initiative!" but nothing really would surprise me either once politicians get involved.

I think the real end result will just be the B1G adding at least 2 more west coast teams to alleviate some of the travel issues.

But I always root for chaos on this front. At least it mostly reveals the true intentions and priorities of everyone involved.
In the late 2010's Miami was inside the top 25 in attendance for the year multiple times.

I'll tell you though. I don't know how you fill a stadium when your team is 7-5 and playing 6-6 Coastal teams. ****, FSU is only filling their stadium 70% right now.

I think we can do better, I really do. But it's tough until the product on the field improves, and that goes for any school. Alabama was consistently at 80% pre saban.
Bro, there are schools up north that are probably better suited to your fandom, since you're putting your driving convenience over stadium accessibility for the rest of the city. If Orlando or Tampa are closer driving distance to your house than some proposed stadium sites, give their football team a look. Go cause traffic in N FL.
Bro, I live in Hollywood where it takes me 15 minutes to get to the stadium via the turnpike. I couldn't ask for more convenience. With that said, if a new stadium were built close to campus, I would still go to every game as I do now. My point was about people believing the attendance problems are due to students not going because of where the stadium is and if the stadium was near campus, we would miraculously have a filled up stadium.

That's absolute nonsense because even if half the enrolled student body went to the games, you are talking about 5% of the total capacity. So unless you are talking about building a stadium like the glorified high school stadium FAU has with a capacity of about 25k, having a stadium near campus will have very little impact on attendance.

The whole reason I made the statement about fans not knowing anything about the university is because I believe the majority of people on this board think the University of Miami has 40,000 students. My guess is most people on this board have never been to the campus and have no clue where it actually is.

Here's another question for you. When we played at the OB, how do you think students got there?
Bro, I live in Hollywood where it takes me 15 minutes to get to the stadium via the turnpike. I couldn't ask for more convenience. With that said, if a new stadium were built close to campus, I would still go to every game as I do now. My point was about people believing the attendance problems are due to students not going because of where the stadium is and if the stadium was near campus, we would miraculously have a filled up stadium.

That's absolute nonsense because even if half the enrolled student body went to the games, you are talking about 5% of the total capacity. So unless you are talking about building a stadium like the glorified high school stadium FAU has with a capacity of about 25k, having a stadium near campus will have very little impact on attendance.

The whole reason I made the statement about fans not knowing anything about the university is because I believe the majority of people on this board think the University of Miami has 40,000 students. My guess is most people on this board have never been to the campus and have no clue where it actually is.

Here's another question for you. When we played at the OB, how do you think students got there?
People are just butt hurt man. Doesn’t matter where the stadium is when ur playing 3 **** head teams to start the season at home u can’t expect people to fill up the stadium
People are just butt hurt man. Doesn’t matter where the stadium is when ur playing 3 **** head teams to start the season at home u can’t expect people to fill up the stadium
Look, I go to games because I enjoy everything about it. I go early, setup my tent, cook some food, have some drinks, listen to the music playing and have conversations with whoever is parked next to me. I honestly don't care who they are playing. My family and me just enjoys being out there.

I don't expect anything really. I just wish people who ***** about attendance and stadium would actually have a clue of what they are talking about. Fact is most people on this board know absolutely nothing about the actual university.
I try to be the voice of reason for this platform. Sometimes the truth hurts, & typically those who get most offended know when truth is spoken b/c it hits a sore spot.

With that being said, TVD could’ve left out or worded things a bit differently. On the other hand, it’s not like he’s lying & he’s not the only one who’s voiced this. Kam voiced the same thing in February of this yr. & U can find endless articles pre/post renovation about the atmosphere or lack thereof of this stadium, including quotes & surveys from student bodies.

Another thing to consider is that, if I’m not mistaken, what was posted of TVD was a Tik Tok clip, which means it was grossly edited to put in a short amount of time. So things could’ve been taken out context or we didn’t get the full context of his statement. I don’t believe TVD was taking shots at those who take time out to travel to games v. the atmosphere itself.

At the end of the day, these r kids. Some have made the argument “who wouldn’t want to play in a ‘world class stadium’ that host SB’s, F1 events, Tennis Matches, The World Cup, and home to a NFL team?” The answer? Kids. Lol Sometimes kids & young adults want to be kids & young adults. I can tell u a lot of kids want to play in a packed stadium w/ their school colors prominent, rabid fans, & a crazy student section. That’s OK.

UCLA, since they were brought in to this, have the same problem. The stadium is not only far from campus w/ major traffic issues, but its dimensions allow for “world class events” & sucks as a home field. The only difference between UCLA & Miami is that UCLA is also managing partner of their stadium so they get a cut of all Rose Bowl events including naming rights.

If any fan is going to be real & honest, HRS doesn’t feel like a home for The Canes. What it is, is a mega event venue that’s for Ross’ gains that we happen to be a tenant at. When I turn on the TV, regardless of attendance, I don’t see Canes; I see Dolphins. I see Dolphins from the color scheme, from the end zones, to the haphazardly thumbtack Hurricanes banners. If everyone keeps holding on to one game in 2017 as a basis to justify the rental fee, then have at it; but, to crush a kid for sharing his thoughts, his truth, A truth…well, maybe it frustrates some of u b/c it is the truth.
How about we don't play cupcakes? People that live in cities have choices and watching Miami play Bethune is not something that is drawing any interest except from the die hards.
The choice most Canes fans are making is to watch the game at home. Do you think fans of other schools don’t have that choice? No they are spending money to sit in the hot and watch trash games when they could be on their couch.

They love their team, we love our team online. It’s different
Foolish talk... even if every enrolled student attended every game, that would be a total 12K per game.... Miami always drew from local Tri county population.... not students.

We don't have attendance because of the bumbling administration and the cheapo cr@p they put on the field for the last 2 decades...

Win and HR will be rocking

When we had a top 5 program we still only got 35-40K in a lot of those Orange bowl games. We just don't pack the stadium for the Canes
a closer stadium isnt increasing attendance. its the same as the OB. were a small fanbase in a city full of fair-weather and casual sports fans.

That's actually a sad fact. It seems like only the Dolphins and the Heat do well with home crowds. Marlins, Panthers and the Canes have always struggled for a good home crowd number. ****, even with the Heat, the game starts empty and by the 2nd quarter is when everybody in their seats
Not a deciding factor but just more ammunition that will be magnified and used against us.

He didn‘t say anything that was factually inaccurate or that our opponents don’t already use against us. But, when your so-called star player reinforces those beliefs, it’s not helpful.

you know what, that's a very good point