2025 QB Luke Nickel, Alpharetta, GA

He will end up a top 75 player - he’s really talented as a thrower. I’m curious if he does a lot of the camps this offseason because that will boost him also with the recruiting services. Holding off UGA is going to be really tough considering they lost Raiola but it’s a **** of an eval.
Auburn bags are always something to watch for too
If we continue to recruit him. Just like the other schools will. We should be alright. Treat him like a priority not like we already got him.
That’s how I felt when i first saw him as a three star pause. I think UGA will push late and bama especially if their young qbs struggle or if they think they are jags.
Georgia has been on him. Don't know how much they're pushing. But they're not slow playing him. Bama is ONLY gonna go after the big time kids. So if he becomes what most of us think he is atleast in ratings then they'll get on him. Doubt he goes there though. Sayin is the real deal too.
Georgia has been on him. Don't know how much they're pushing. But they're not slow playing him. Bama is ONLY gonna go after the big time kids. So if he becomes what most of us think he is atleast in ratings then they'll get on him. Doubt he goes there though. Sayin is the real deal too.
Sayin was the guy I wanted last cycle at qb pause. I think we win out in the end, don’t think they got that bama get out of jail free card for Luke. So we should be good there, I’ll take Mario over Kirby closing on this one cause he’s already in the fold. If he was undecided then I would worry a bit.
While I agree that he's important to this class, I think it's really important some of yall realize all the constant dramatics & the doom and gloom gotta slow down. If there is one thing you've all been shown, it's that Mario can and will put us in the best possible situations with recruiting atleast...
I know it’s just highlights but **** that take is impressive. 6’7, fast, arm talent.
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Correct. They will come sniffing around. U can bet that. That slow play tactic usually don’t work too well with QBs however. But there have been cases. The difference is that chances are 9.9/10, Riley probably grew up a bama fan. Being where Nickel is from (metro Atl.), he may not have grew up cheering for thUGA. 🤷🏾‍♂️
Unfortunately, suspect UGA will get him if they come after him. HS coach has long ties to Kirby. Can only hope they’re eying a hot 5- star elsewhere.